Snapchat AI is Your Teen’s Private Chatbot – Free From Your Prying Eyes

Snapchat, known for its disappearing messages and creative filters, has evolved over the years to slowly incorporate advanced AI features.
The Dangers of TikTok Trends

Eating TIDE pods, licking unbought ice cream for unsuspecting shoppers, or high schoolers destroying school bathrooms. All of these have become extremely popular trends on Tiktok and other social media outlets, yet these can prove to be incredibly dangerous and even cause death, and for what? To go viral and have millions of people see you at a simple swipe of a finger.
Hashtag What? Understanding TikTok Lingo

As a parent, it can be difficult to keep up with all the modern slang, social media lingo, and words your kids are using. Here’s some for TikTok that may help you out.
Snap What? Understanding Snapchat Lingo

As a parent, it can be difficult to keep up with all the modern slang, social media lingo, and whatever those words are your kids are using. Here’s some for Snapchat that may help you out.
5 Tips for Social Media Safety

These days, it’s almost impossible to spend a day on social media without encountering some potential security issues: scams, privacy leaks, and fake follower requests just to name a few.
The Top 3 Settings to Check on Facebook for Better Online Privacy and Security

Facebook is a great place to communicate, share, and reconnect with friends. It is not without its drawbacks, however. One of the biggest things that goes unnoticed is how much of your personal data and identifying information the platform takes about you.
Easy Cyber-Safe Summer Travel Tips

Masks are coming off, holiday travel is opening up, and cyber criminals are ready to seize your personal information and your money as you try to escape. So, while you make your summer vacation plans, be sure you are cyber-safe while traveling and continue to stay protected after you return.